Friday, March 20, 2009

Target: Friend or Foe?

Expect More: Pay Less

I have such a bitter sweet experience with Target every time. I love the options. They fill my mind with endless possibilities. However, I am convinced they are one of my mortal enemies.

Example from just last nights shopping.

Simple one to begin with. Peanut Butter. I have had the same jar of peanut butter since I have moved in. I have about a quarter left in the jar. But, on the shelf I see a glorious jar of JIF extra crunchy. I decide I "needed" it. For a split second my eyes divert to the side to see a package with 2 extra crunchy peanut butter jars. Yum, "needed" to have them. This is a bargain, right? My justification... food storage???

Second.....I "needed" a hand crank flashlight. It can go in my 72-hour kit. But I "needed" another flashlight with batteries so I don't have a cramp in my arm from cranking a flashlight all night long. So, what do I do?

I get both.

I "needed" muffin pans. I tried to decide between regular, or extra large tins (maybe if I was lucky BOTH). Thanks to my conscious... aka April. I decided to settle on the regular size. Then right beside those pans was a cooling rack. I had been thinking for a long time about getting one. But just put it off. Oh, but not last night. I bought one. Definitely not on the list.

Like I say, Friend or Foe? All I know is that I left without the $120 that I came in with. But, I count it a blessing that Target didn't suck more out of me.

Target, you might have won the battle BUT you won't win the war. (Well probably will. But I like to talk a big talk)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love how I went from friend of "this target devil" to your conscious! :) Mwahahahaha.

  3. You got a cooling rack! AWESOME...I have been thinking about getting one since I have been baking a gazillion or so chocolate chip cookies...sweet!

  4. I just can't figure out how all that added up to $120. definitely a foe if that's all you got but that was the price!

  5. My favorite part about Target is that not only do you get the amazing smell of popcorn upon entering... but once you pick up what is on your "list," you navigate to the opposite side of the store... just to check it out. :)

    By the time I leave, I've practically walked a marathon...

    Man, Rach... 120 bucks is quite the price to pay for a little exercise, don't you think?
